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Flower Bed Weed Control :

Are you constantly fighting weeds in your flowerbeds? GreenScapes shrub and turf can take care of them the professional way. We have a 3-Step Program that will take care of most weeds.

In late winter, we will apply a blanket application of Pre-Emergent on your Natural Areas and/or Flower Beds. Pre-Emergent for flower beds is designed to last 4-6 months. Any existing weeds will also be spot treated at this time.

The next scheduled visit will be in Early Summer when we spot treat any existing weeds since Pre-Emergent does not control everything.

The last treatment is in Early Fall. We will do another blanket application of Pre-Emergent. If any weeds do pop up between scheduled visits, just give us a call and we will take care of them at no additional charge.